Starship Troopers Arachnid Overseer Bug
First termed king bugs by SICON Intelligence, this was quickly changed when the true nature of their role within Arachnid colonies was understood. Overseer bugs are a mass of carapace plates and ridges, from which hang eight legs with wickedly sharp claws. A pair of double-wings sprout from the carapace which appear barely able to keep it in the air.
This is a huge 20-piece miniature weighing in at over 1lb. of solid pewter. A specialized metal base is included (top middle of the photo). To give an idea of size, this base is approximately 2 inches wide. A peg to support the miniature is attached to the base rock formation (top right).
- Note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Paints, brushes, glue, etc. are not included.