Agents of Gaming webstore
Pewter Miniatures
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Fleet Action Vree Xeel War Carrier
Fleet Action Vree Xill Battle Saucer
Fleet Action Vree Xixx Torpedo Saucer
Fleet Action Vree Xonn Dreadnought
Fleet Action Vree Xorr War Saucer
Fleet Action Vree Xvell Escort Saucer
Fleet Action Vree Zorth Light Fighters (6)
GROPOS Centauri Dismounted Infantry Platoon
GROPOS Earth Alliance Hel Armored Fighting Vehidle
GROPOS Earth Alliance Loki Self-Propelled Artillery
GROPOS Earth Alliance Odin Main Battle Tank
GROPOS Minbari Wind Sword Heavy Tank
GROPOS Narn D'Va'Korac Infantry Fighting Vehicle
GROPOS Narn Dismounted Infantry Platoon
Starship Troopers Arachnid Brain Bug (1)
Starship Troopers Arachnid Burrower Bug (1)
Starship Troopers Arachnid Guard Bug
Starship Troopers Arachnid Mantis Hunter/Assassin Bug
Starship Troopers Arachnid Overseer Bug
Starship Troopers Arachnid Spider Bug